9:00 - 9:10 Welcome
9:10 - 10:10 Keynote Talk
- Network Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems
by Luis Almeida, University of Porto, Portugal
10:10 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:00 Session 1: Adaptive resource management
- Towards Adaptive GPU Resource Management for Embedded Real-Time Systems
by Junsung Kim, Raj Rajkumar and Shinpei Kato
- Towards Adaptive Resource Management for Virtualized Real-Time Systems
by Stefan Groesbrink, Simon Oberthur and Daniel Baldin
- Control Kernel Based Adaptive Control Implementation
by Raúl Simarro, Pedro Albertos and José Simó
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:15 Session 2: Automotive applications and beyond
- SAFER: System-level Architecture for Failure Evasion in Real-time Applications
by Junsung Kim, Raj Rajkumar and Markus Jochim
- Network-Wide Energy Optimization for Adaptive Embedded Systems
by Patrick Heinrich and Christian Prehofer
- A Virtualization-based Fault Resilient Secure Real-Time System Architecture
by Daeyoung Hong, Wonsek Ko, Sung-Soo Lim
- Adaptive Trajectory Coordination for Scalable Robot Motion Planning
by Hoon Sung Chwa, Andrii Shyshkalov, Jinkyu Lee, Hyoungbu Back, and Kilho Lee
- A Self-adaptive Unifying Mechanism For Autonomous Energy Management In Wireless Sensor Networks
by Lina Xu, Olga Murdoch, Gregory O’Hare and Rem Collier
2:15 - 2:45 Coffee Break and Poster Session
2:45 - 4:15 Session 3: Adaptive formal methods
- Model-driven development of SOA-based Driver Assistance Systems
by Marco Wagner, Dieter Zobel and Ansgar Meroth
- Modeling and Analysis of Adaptive Embedded Systems using Adaptive Task Automata
by Leo Hatvani, Paul Pettersson and Cristina Seceleanu.
- Provisioning within a WSAN Cloud Concept
by Muhammad Sohaib Aslam, Susan Rea and Dirk Pesch